Rise of a Great Parent

Montessori Parenting Courses - Prepares you for Blissful Parenting


Being a parent is both a blessing and a responsibility and to attain greatness in this role is one of the most strenuous tasks that becomes challenging and at times anxiously precarious also. The Rise of the Great Parent programs are designed to quell all the unrealistic fears of parents and equip them with intricate knowledge of understanding their children as they grow up and also intuitive ways of fulfilling those needs without hampering their individuality or natural potentials.


Montessori Training Program for Parents - Joyful Parenting!

Born Genius

Montessori Training for Pregnancy

The Nourisher

Montessori Parenting Course for Infant Toddlers

The Role Model

Montessori Parenting Course for Primary Age Children

The Intellect

Montessori Parenting for Elementary Age Children

The Friend

Montessori Parenting Course for Adolescent

The Philosopher

Montessori Parenting for College/University Students

For more details about Montessori Parenting Courses visit for training website www.gurukshethra.com Click Here

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Our Headquarters are in Chennai and Puducherry

Puducherry HO:
27-28, 2nd Cross
Moogambigai Nagar
Reddiarpalayam, Pondy - 605 010
Phone: +91 9994851951
Phone: +91 9361919996
Email: contact@vrukshamontessori.com
Chennai HO:
24-25, 12th Cross
Ranga Reddy Gardens
Neelankarai, Chennai - 600 041
Phone: +91 9994851951
Phone: +91 9361919996
Email: contact@vrukshamontessori.com

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