Maria Montessori saw much need for reform in the educational system of her day, just as we see the same need for reform in our educational system today. Her goal was to develop the whole personality of the child and her system is based on a strong belief in the spontaneous working of the human intellect. Her three primary principles are observation, individual liberty and preparation of the environment. These principles and their various practical expressions with children are gradually becoming part of our educational system. Modern kindergarten classrooms use the child-sized furniture and didactic materials first introduced by Montessori. Such current concepts as individualized learning and readiness programs, manipulative learning, ungraded classes, combined age groups, team teaching and open classrooms reflect many of her early insights.
Parents of young children in the 90’s want to feel safe and secure in leaving their children in an environment that provides for all of their academic, social and emotional needs. A Montessori environment does meet all of the above needs, but it also teaches children an “I can do it” attitude that will ensure their future success in all aspects of their life.
Three year age span of children within the classroom – Older children teaching younger children, sense of community and builds self esteem.
Self correcting materials within the environment – Children learn through their own errors to make the correct decision versus having the teacher point it out to them.
Individual learning takes place within the environment –
Children are quiet by choice and out of respect for others within the environment –
There is an emphasis on concrete learning rather than on abstract learning –
It is a child-
The children work for the joy of working and the sense of discovery –
The environment provides a natural sense of discipline –
The environment is “prepared” for the children –
Maria Montessori saw much need for reform in the educational system of her day,
just as we see the same need for reform in our educational system today. Her goal was to develop
the whole personality of the child and her system is based on a strong belief in the spontaneous
working of the human intellect. Her three primary principles are observation, individual liberty
and preparation of the environment. These principles and their various practical expressions with
children are gradually becoming part of our educational system. Modern kindergarten classrooms use
the child-
Parents of young children in the 90’s want to feel safe and secure in leaving their children in an environment that provides for all of their academic, social and emotional needs.A Montessori environment does meet all of the above needs, but it also teaches children an “I can do it” attitude that will ensure their future success in all aspects of their life.
Montessori schools teach independence from an early age. The children take an active part in running their school, like preparing and serving at the drinks break, and putting learning equipment away after they have used it. Practical tasks like sweeping, polishing, making sandwiches and tying shoe laces, are all available for children to learn on a daily basis.
Children are not expected to conform to set standards of achievement as in conventional schools. The Montessori method takes account of the needs, talents, gifts, and special individuality of each child. The children learn at their own pace, so they are not being constrained nor criticised for what they do. There is a total freedom to learn which makes the learning fun.
All children, whatever their abilities or interests, reach their full potential. All children
fit in, including children with learning disabilities. Many children learn best in different ways,
and the equipment is designed for this. For example, one piece of equipment is the sand
alphabet –
The equipment available for learning is unique and designed by Maria Montessori. It is exceptionally good quality equipment, which means the children value it and treat it with care.
In a Montessori environment children are encouraged to respect and help each other. If they choose, they will work with other children, and help each other, or ‘teach’ each other, and they enjoy doing so. It is wonderful to watch children who really want to help each other.
The teacher plays a very unobtrusive role in the classroom –
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